The BBC has announced that Doctor Who is giving audiences at home the opportunity to create their own brand new digital stories for The Doctor that take him into the new series.

The Doctor is about to face his oldest and greatest enemies in Doctor Who Series 9, but what has led him to confront the evil Daleks once again? We can only tell you it’s an adventure with thrills, excitement, fun and that fans of the show have the opportunity to create it.

Audiences can create their story from scratch using new alien enemies from their imagination, or they can use Daleks, Missy and other monsters. Using clips and pictures supplied by the Doctor Who team (found here, or video that fans shoot specially on their phone, tablet or camera, it’s an opportunity to create something special and imaginative, that’s full of Doctor Who passion and adventure.

There’s no need to know about the upcoming episodes except they involve the Time Lord taking on the mighty Daleks. There are ‘how to’ videos and tools to help develop digital skills and ignite audiences’ creative flare on a new website - - which also provides a step-by-step guide on how to get involved. .

Selected winners will be invited along to set where they’ll meet Peter Capaldi (The Doctor), encounter the Daleks, step aboard the TARDIS and see the real world of Doctor Who.
Doctor Who Mission Dalek is part of the Make it Digital season, a major UK-wide initiative to inspire a new generation to get creative with coding, programming and digital technology.

Thanks to the BBC