COMICS REVIEW: 10th & 11th #3

The Tenth Doctor #3
by Nick Abadzis

Out now

Review by Alex Romeo

Titan Comics conclude their three-part story Revolutions of Terror for The Tenth Doctor and his new friend Gabby in fairly epic style. I felt that the first two parts suffered from excessive technobabble, but the third issue ties up the story of the Cerebravores without resorting to too many overly complex plot points. There’s a great moment that reminded me of the Eccleston line, “I sang a song and the Daleks ran away,” from The Parting of the Ways. Gabby gets to experience the TARDIS for the first time and instead of the usual "bigger on the inside" comment, the panels illustrate her wordless reaction, which I really liked.

As the story reaches its climax, look out for a fantastic panel that works brilliantly as a throw-back to a much-loved Tennant story, and also presents the possibility of a new threat, effectively ramping up the tension. The Doctor expresses his admiration for humans using a very familiar phrase that made me feel all warm inside. There’s also a welcome for a certain TV reporter who some us might recognize…

Nick Abadzis continues to capture David Tennant’s speech pattern authentically and Gabby looks as though she’s entering Martha territory at the end as the Doctor ums and errs about taking her on a trip. She’s a fully rounded character and looks to be a good foil for The Tenth Doctor.

There’s are two added extras to this comic; the first, In the Dog House, features the bobble-headed War Doctor giving a right talking-to to some of his bobble-headed pals. Very sweet.  And make sure you catch the Emma Price’s very funny Psychic Paper Inc Claims Department strip at the end as well, which I loved.


The Eleventh Doctor #3
by Rob Williams

Out now

Review by Alex Romeo

The third issue of Titan Comics Matt Smith era stories, loosely linked by the mysterious SERVEYOUinc is set partly in Mississippi, 1931 and features a certain deal-making blues singer quite heavily, as well as a musical paradox of Bowie proportions.  The "be careful what you wish for" theme is explored further when The Doctor falls prey to the creepy SERVEYOUinc, who know exactly what he wants…

The pacing is great and the flashbacks to the Time Lord taking Alice to see a gig ("First, best use of a time machine, Alice – going to see all the classic gigs in the universe that you’ve only ever read about") have some lovely laugh out loud moments, especially if you know your 70s experimental rock.

The comic also features the very welcome return of a much-loved element of The Whoniverse, albeit rather ‘amped up.’ Alice Obiefune continues to prove herself a capable and fun companion and a great partner for The Eleventh Doctor who is captured brilliantly by Rob Williams. A genuinely enjoyable romp with a great conclusion – looking forward to issue 4!

There are two fun extras at the end, Second Thoughts and Sonic Sleuth, the latter featuring Amy Pond.


Thanks to Titan Comics