TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Cover

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Cover

Here are some pictures from this week's issue of the UK television listings magazine, the RADIO TIMES. It features a gatefold cover and a four page exclusive promoting TORCHWOOD: CHILDREN OF EARTH. Click on the pics for bigger (and readable) versions.

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' CoverTORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Cover

You can a read a review of the series HERE.

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Feature

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' FeatureTORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Feature

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' FeatureTORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Feature

The following are not from the main feature but from elsewhere in the magazine, they are "Today's Choices" and "Moment of the Week" (again, click on the pics for bigger versions). PLEASE NOTE: The text accompanying the second picture includes a SPOILER.

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Today's Choice

PLEASE NOTE: The text accompanying this picture includes a SPOILER.

TORCHWOOD - 'Radio Times' Moment of the Week

Reviews of the series will be posted HERE once aired.

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